
Stefan Persson

Quick Facts

Full NameStefan Persson
Date of Birth4 October 1947
Place of BirthStockholm, Sweden
EducationStockholm University
OccupationBusiness magnate
Known for36% owner of H&M
TitleChairman, H&M
SpousesPamela Collett, Carolyn Denise Florman
ChildrenKarl-Johan Persson, Charlotte Söderström, Tom Persson
ParentsErling Persson (father), Margrit Persson (mother)
RelativesLottie Tham (sister)
Net Worth$18.9 billion
Notable RoleChairman of H&M (until May 2020), largest shareholder (36% stake)
Business HoldingsStake in Hexagon AB, Ramsbury Invest (real estate), Ramsbury Estates Limited (farming)
PhilanthropyFounder of Mentor Foundation (combating substance abuse among youth)
InterestsDownhill skiing, tennis, golf
ResidencesStockholm, London, Paris
AdditionalCo-funding a foundation for Djurgårdens IF owns the 21-cottage village of Linkenholt in Hampshire

Stefan Persson Net Worth

Stefan Persson’s net worth is approximately 18.9 billion USD.

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