

Quick Facts

Full NameMichelangelo Merisi (or Amerighi) da Caravaggio
Date of Birth29 September 1571
Place of BirthMilan, Duchy of Milan, Spanish Empire
Date of Death18 July 1610
Place of DeathPorto Ercole, State of the Presidi, Spanish Empire
EducationApprenticed to Simone Peterzano
Known ForPainting
Notable WorkList of paintings by Caravaggio
PatronsCardinal Francesco Maria del Monte, Alof de Wignacourt
Artistic StyleChiaroscuro, Tenebrism
Influence on ArtInspired Baroque painting and artists such as Peter Paul Rubens, Jusepe de Ribera, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, and Rembrandt
Key ThemesRealistic observation, dramatic use of lighting, human emotions, and violence
Early LifeGrew up in Caravaggio after fleeing a plague in Milan; lost his father and grandfather in 1577 and his mother in 1584
Career HighlightsMoved to Rome in his twenties, became prominent despite a violent reputation, fled to Naples after a murder, traveled to Malta and Sicily, sought a papal pardon
DeathDied under uncertain circumstances; reported causes include fever, murder, or lead poisoning
Posthumous ReputationFell out of favor but revived in the 20th century; recognized as a major influence on modern painting

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