
Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Quick Facts

Full NameGian Lorenzo Bernini
BirthDecember 7, 1598, Naples, Kingdom of Naples
DeathNovember 28, 1680 (aged 81), Rome, Papal States
Known ForSculpture, painting, architecture
Notable WorksDavid, Apollo and Daphne, The Rape of Proserpina, Ecstasy of Saint Teresa
Art MovementBaroque style
PatronsCardinal Scipione Borghese
Other RolesPainter, playwright, director, set designer
Early RecognitionRecognized as a prodigy at the age of 8, received early encouragement from his father Pietro Bernini
Family BackgroundSon of Neapolitan Angelica Galante and Mannerist sculptor Pietro Bernini, originally from Florence
Major ContributionsDeveloped the Baroque style of sculpture, integrated sculpture, painting, and architecture into a unified visual art form
Architectural WorksDesigned secular buildings, churches, chapels, public squares, elaborate public fountains, funerary monuments, temporary structures
Technical SkillsKnown for technical versatility, compositional inventiveness, and skill in manipulating marble
Notable InfluenceOften compared to Michelangelo, considered a major influence on European sculpture
Theater InvolvementWrote, directed, and acted in plays, designed stage sets and theatrical machinery
Decorative ArtsDesigned various decorative art objects such as lamps, tables, mirrors, and coaches
LegacyDescribed as the first pan-European sculptor with an identifiable style and powerful influence
EducationTrained by his father, Pietro Bernini

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