

Quick Facts

Full NameMichelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
Born6 March 1475
Place of BirthCaprese, Republic of Florence
Died18 February 1564 (aged 88)
Place of DeathRome, Papal States
OccupationsSculptor, painter, architect, poet
Notable Works– Pietà (1498–1499)
– David (1501–1504)
– Sistine Chapel ceiling (1508–1512)
– Moses (1513–1515)
– The Last Judgment (1536–1541)
Art MovementsHigh Renaissance, Mannerism
Key Contributions– Pioneer of Mannerist architecture with the design of the Laurentian Library
– Architect of St. Peter’s Basilica, transforming the plan and designing the dome
BiographiesFirst Western artist to have a biography published during his lifetime; three biographies published
Rival and ContemporaryLeonardo da Vinci
Early FameAchieved fame early with sculptures like Pietà and David before the age of 30
Famous Frescoes– Scenes from Genesis on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
– The Last Judgment on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel
Titles and NicknamesIl Divino (“the divine one”)
Admired ForTerribilità—his ability to instill a sense of awe in viewers
InfluenceInfluenced the rise of Mannerism, a short-lived movement in Western art between the High Renaissance and the Baroque
LegacyOne of the best-documented artists of the 16th century with a lasting influence on Western art; seen as an archetypal Renaissance man along with Leonardo da Vinci

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