
Wilfred Owen

Quick Facts

Full NameWilfred Edward Salter Owen
BornMarch 18, 1893
BirthplaceOswestry, Shropshire, England
DiedNovember 4, 1918
Place of DeathSambre–Oise Canal, France
Age at Death25
OccupationPoet, soldier
Military RankLieutenant
UnitArtists Rifles, Manchester Regiment
Known ForLeading poet of the First World War; known for his war poetry depicting the horrors of trenches and gas warfare
Notable Works“Dulce et Decorum est”, “Anthem for Doomed Youth”, “Futility”, “Strange Meeting”, “Spring Offensive”, etc.
InfluenceMuch influenced by his mentor Siegfried Sassoon
Early LifeRaised as an Anglican; discovered poetic vocation in about 1904; influenced by the Bible and Romantic poets
EducationBirkenhead Institute; Shrewsbury Technical School; University College, Reading
DisillusionmentDisillusioned with the Church during his time at Dunsden parish
CareerWorked as a private tutor teaching English and French in Bordeaux, France
Military ServiceEnlisted during World War I; served in the British Army; awarded the Military Cross

Wilfred Owen Poems

Poem Title
Dulce et Decorum est
Anthem for Doomed Youth
Strange Meeting
Mental Cases
The Last Laugh
Spring Offensive
Soldier’s Dream
Arms and the Boy
The Parable of the Old Man and the Young
The Letter
The Dead-Beat
A Terre
To Eros
Apologia Pro Poemate Meo
Cramped in that Funnelled Hole
With an Identity Disc
Wild with All Regrets
At a Calvary near the Ancre
Elegy in April and September
Sonnet On Seeing a Piece of our Heavy Artillery Brought into Action
Has Your Soul Sipped?
The End
A New Heaven
I Saw His Round Mouth’s Crimson

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