
Pope Francis

Quick Facts

Full NameJorge Mario Bergoglio
Born17 December 1936
BirthplaceFlores, Buenos Aires, Argentina
NationalityArgentine (with Vatican citizenship)
Education– Maximum College of St. Joseph – Philosophical and Theological Faculty of San Miguel – Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy – Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology
Papacy began13 March 2013
PredecessorBenedict XVI
Orders– Ordination: 13 December 1969 by Ramón José Castellano – Consecration: 27 June 1992 by Antonio Quarracino – Created cardinal: 21 February 2001 by John Paul II
Previous Posts– Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus in Argentina (1973–1979) – Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires (1992–1997) – Titular Bishop of Auca (1992–1997) – Archbishop of Buenos Aires (1998–2013) – Cardinal Priest of San Roberto Bellarmino (2001–2013)
MottoMiserando atque eligendo
ResidenceDomus Sanctae Marthae
Notable Works– Laudato si’ – Fratelli tutti – The Joy of the Gospel – Amoris laetitia – Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future – Traditionis custodes – Querida Amazonia
Papal NameFrancis (in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi)
Notable CharacteristicsKnown for humility, emphasis on God’s mercy, concern for the poor, commitment to interreligious dialogue, and less formal approach to the papacy.

Pope Francis Books

TitleYear Published
Laudato si’2015
Fratelli tutti2020
The Joy of the Gospel2013
Amoris laetitia2016
Laudate Deum2023
Gaudete et exsultate2018
Christus vivit2019
Traditionis custodes2021
Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future2020
Lumen fidei2013
Patris Corde2020
Desiderio desideravi2022
Vos estis lux mundi2019
Praedicate evangelium2022
Querida Amazonia2020
The Name of God is Mercy2016
Misericordia Et Misera2016
Antiquum Ministerium: Instituting the Ministry of Catechist2021
Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus: On the Reform of Canonical Processes for the Declaration of Nullity of Marriage, in the Code of Canon Law2015
Dear Pope Francis: The Pope Answers Letters from Children Around the World2016
Vultum Dei quaerere2016
Life after Pandemic2020
God Is Young: A Conversation2018
Our Father: Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer2018
Aperuit illis2019
Sublimitas Et Miseria Hominis2023
On Heaven and Earth2010
Sharing the Wisdom of Time2018
Totum Amoris Est2022
Christmas at the Nativity2023
The Church of Mercy2014
C’Est La Confiance, English2023
Pope Francis Says…2019

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