
Victor Hugo

Quick Facts

Full NameVictor-Marie Hugo
Date of BirthFebruary 26, 1802
Place of BirthBesançon, Franche-Comté, France
Date of DeathMay 22, 1885
Place of DeathParis, France
Resting PlacePanthéon, Paris
OccupationsPoet, novelist, dramatist, essayist, politician
SpouseAdèle Foucher (married in 1822; she died in 1868)
ParentsJoseph Léopold Hugo and Sophie Trébuchet
Literary MovementRomanticism
Notable WorksLes Misérables, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Les Contemplations
Years Active1829–1883
Political AffiliationInitially royalist, later a passionate supporter of republicanism
Notable ContributionsAdvocated for social causes like abolition of capital punishment and slavery
Famous Works InspiredOperas like Rigoletto, musicals like Les Misérables and Notre-Dame de Paris
State FuneralGiven a state funeral in the Panthéon of Paris, attended by over 2 million people
Early LifeBorn into a military family, moved frequently due to their father’s service in Napoleon’s army

Victor Hugo Books

Les Misérables1862
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame1831
Les Contemplations1856
The Last Day of a Condemned Man1829
The Man Who Laughs1869
Demain dès l’aube1856
Claude Gueux1834
Les Châtiments1853
The Toilers of the Sea1866
La Légende des siècles1859
Les Orientales1829
Les Rayons et les Ombres1840
Toute la Lyre1888
Pauca Meæ1856
How to Be a Grandfather1877
Actes et Paroles1862
Napoleon, the Little1852
La Fin de Satan1886
Les Chants du crépuscule1835
L’Année terrible1872
Les Feuilles d’automne1831
Le dernier jour d’un condamné (édition enrichie)2013
Les Voix intérieures1837
Les Chansons Des Rues Et Des Bois1865
Hans of Iceland1823
The History of a Crime1877
Préface de Cromwell1827
Angelo, Tyrant of Padua1835
Dernière Gerbe1902
Ceci tuera cela
Mille francs de récompense1934
Le Pape1878

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