
Francisco Goya

Quick Facts

Full NameFrancisco José de Goya y Lucientes
Birth30 March 1746, Fuendetodos, Aragon, Spain
Death16 April 1828 (aged 82), Bordeaux, France
Known ForPainting, drawing
Notable WorkList of paintings and engravings
Artistic MovementRomanticism
SpouseJosefa Bayeu (m. 1773)
Famous PaintingYard with Lunatics, c. 1794
Early EducationStudied painting under José Luzán y Martinez from age 14
InfluencesDiego Velázquez
Court PainterBecame a court painter to the Spanish Crown in 1786
Prime Court PainterAppointed Primer Pintor de Cámara (Prime Court Painter) in 1799
Director of Royal AcademyAppointed Director of the Royal Academy in 1795
Important WorksLa maja desnuda, Charles IV of Spain and His Family, The Second of May 1808, The Third of May 1808, Disasters of War, Caprichos, Los Disparates, Black Paintings
Major ThemesInsanity, mental asylums, witches, fantastical creatures, religious and political corruption
IllnessSevere and undiagnosed illness in 1793 left him deaf
Later YearsLived in near isolation at Quinta del Sordo (House of the Deaf Man)
Final WorksLa Tauromaquia series
CompanionLeocadia Weiss, who accompanied him to Bordeaux and may have been his lover
Death and BurialDied following a stroke and was buried on 16 April 1828

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